Those are the words that Chelsea and I have wrestled with over these past twelve months. In 2016 the Lord moved in our hearts to "be available" to Him. Since then we have stepped out of several commitments that we love in order to give God the room to use us in a new way! Since then he has been extra faithful to provide for our family and to give us new directions one step at a time. Chelsea and I both worried a lot about the future, but there was one thought that produced a strange but great peace in each of our hearts--Gleanings For The Hungry. Gleanings is a small Youth With A Mission (YWAM) base in Sultana, California. We brought volunteers to serve at Gleanings from our church for 10 years. Each time the Lord nurtured a seed in our hearts for raising up young leaders and serving the world's poor. In October of 2016 we committed to join the Gleanings for the Hungry staff as a family! We are so excited to "be available" and to be on mission as a family.


Chelsea and I love working with young leaders. Ever since we were married we've been teaching, mentoring, coaching, discipling and pastoring students and young adults. Before working at Gleanings, I served as Youth Pastor at Village Church in Burbank, California for ten years. We are continuing that work here at Gleanings as we coach students and young adults in our YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS) program and in the Gleanings Summer Staff leadership program. It is our passion and joy to see young leaders thrive and grow into servant-leaders who make an impact for Christ wherever they go!